About Us

Smartlab.network is an open platform dedicated to fostering digitalization and automation in academic and industrial laboratories through the development of open and cost-efficient software and hardware solutions. Our mission is to connect universities, users, and hardware and software providers to create a collaborative platform for training, discussion, and innovation.

Smartlab.society is an non-profit organization founded to support the smartlab.network activities. It was founded in 2023 under the name “Gesellschaft für Laborautomatisierung und Digitalisierung“ and offers the legal framework for cooperation and funding. The structure is specified in the by-laws, its most relevant organs being the board of directors and the general assembly.

You can take a look at our bylaws here.

Current Board of Directors

Tim Meyer

1. Director
Group leader at University Medical Center Göttingen

Rober Söldner

Consultant at RSConsulting

Christoph Otto

Group leader SmartLab Systems at TU Dresden

Thorsten Teuteberg

Events calendar

Stay up to date with our society’s upcoming events and activities through our dynamic events calendar: