Smartlab university
The smartlab university develops and provides continuous learning programs in and around smartlabs. ranging from the online lectures in our smartlab.lecure series over Web- and Video-turorials to Hackathons.
IUTA Duisburg
StreamFind, an innovative data processing workflow designer
Ricardo Cunha
17 Apr 2024 – 16h00-17h00
Ricardo’s talk will focus on his latest project, StreamFind, an innovative data processing workflow designer. StreamFind aims to support students, researchers and technicians to improve their data skills by facilitating the use of open source algorithms for assembling data processing workflows.
Opentrons Labworks
How to bring Lab Automation into the classroom.
Kennedy McDaniel
20 Mar 2024 – 16h00-17h00
The most sought-after skills in new graduates have changed and now is the time to equip your students with the knowledge they need to land jobs. We will ll share case studies of university teachers who have incorporated automation into their courses and how this can be done even if you do not have automation experience yourself. We will show ways to include robotics on a budget, and approaches to modifying existing lessons.
Center for Life-Science Automation
Automation Strategies or how to find the right Concept for your Automation Project?
Kerstin Thurow
21 Feb 2024 – 16h00-17h00
Automation has reached ever larger areas recently. Due to the development of numerous new, cost-effective automation devices and modules, the automation of laboratory processes is also of increasing interest for small and medium-sized companies and in research laboratories. Different degrees of automation, from the automation of individual sub-steps to partial automation and finally full automation without manual intervention by an operator, are possible. The selection of a suitable automation concept depends on various factors. In addition to the process itself, which with its sub-processes sets the requirements and framework conditions for automation, other parameters such as space requirements, investment and operating expenses, planned operating times and throughput are also important. Different automation concepts will be shown with exemplarily applications.
University Greifswald
Semantics, knowledge Graphs and Labautomation
Mark Doerr
31 Jan 2024 – 16h00-17h00
I will cover some internals and background of the LARA automation suite for high-throughput protein screening ( and the benefits of Sila2 based communication.
EPFL Lausanne
On the use of algorithms in an automated lab
Pascal Mieville
Automation and algorithms are the two faces of digital chemistry. In this talk, we will explore the potential application of different families of algorithms along with the automated workflow of a data-driven synthetic and analytical laboratory, as currently established at the Swiss CAT+ West Hub at EPFL.
06 Dec 2023 – 16h00-17h00
Three Years of Cell Painting Automation in the pharmbio robotlab

Dan Rosen
15 Nov 2023 – 16h00-17h00
In this presentation, I will share our experience in automating cell painting over the past three years in the pharmbio robotlab at Uppsala University. We are running two self-built automated systems: (1.) cell painting, an assay preparing cells on multi-well plates for fluorescent imaging, with a UR10 robot arm, plate washers and dispensers and an automated incubator, (2.) microscopy imaging, where a precise flex robot arm feeds microscopes from an automated fridge. I will discuss the parts that make up the system: machine communication, robotarms and robotarm moves, action scheduling and user interaction. I will highlight some issues we have had along the way and how they were resolved.
An outline of the systems can be found on our github: robotlab
An outline of the systems can be found on our github: robotlab
Nachhaltigkeit und Tierschutz
Leon Budde
Laborautomatisierung ist im akademischen Bereich in der Regel mit Translationsansätzen verbunden. Das GO-Bio initial projekt von transMit zielt auf die Stärkung des Transfererfolgs in den Lebenswissenschaften ab. Im Rahmen der transMIT Ringvorlesung werden wir unsere Ansätze zur voll-automatisierten Herstellung, Reifung, und Analyse von künstlichen Herzgeweben vorstellen.
07 Nov 2023 – 16h30-17h30
Vision and Perspective
Tim Meyer
01 Nov 2023 – 16h00-17h00
The aim of this first Session of our Lecture series is to give an overview and vision of the network activities from colaboration to defining standards and developing open-source hard- and software
Platform approach for LabProcess Digitalization

Marc Porr
20 Nov 2024- 16h00-17h00
Dr. Marc Porr will present an innovative plattform-approach for revolutionizing lab process digitization! In this presentation, we will discuss a flexible platform that enables scientists to digitize their lab processes without sophisticated programming knowledge. The solution separates technical complexity from scientific expertise, being agnostic in the choice of communication technologies.
• No-Code Workflows: Simple process digitization through graphical interfaces
• Forming a clear Interface between IT- and lab-experts to foster integration of lab devices from different manufacturers
• Flexibility to integrate with ERP, LES, LIMS, etc. as well as BPMN-Engines or schedulers
• Data-acquisition for data-science driven analysis
• Solving the infrastructure-problem: sophisticated IT- and software development with a cloud-based infrastructure for managing and scaling lab processes
• No-Code Workflows: Simple process digitization through graphical interfaces
• Forming a clear Interface between IT- and lab-experts to foster integration of lab devices from different manufacturers
• Flexibility to integrate with ERP, LES, LIMS, etc. as well as BPMN-Engines or schedulers
• Data-acquisition for data-science driven analysis
• Solving the infrastructure-problem: sophisticated IT- and software development with a cloud-based infrastructure for managing and scaling lab processes
School of Life Sciences at FHNW
Teaching Laboratory Automation and Digitalization at FHNW

Stefan Gaugler and Johannes Mosbacher
15 Jan 2025 – 16h00-17h00
Stefan Gaugler and Johannes Mosbacher, both responsible for “Lab Automation” courses at the School of Life Sciences at FHNW, will talk in our next session about their experiences, needs and visions for teaching Bachelor and Master students at an University for Applied Sciences about “Lab Automation”.